
Friday, January 26, 2007

Tuition fee again

Well, tuition fees - a very popular emotional theme in the public in the last weeks. We saw demonstrations of students on TV and nearly every day we read new articles in newspapers or in the internet about this tax.
I agree with our carinthian black StrongOak in the point, that I also understand a lot of students who are angry because the winner of the last election, the social democratic party has promised to distablish the tuition fees. However I do not agree in the thing´itself - to be against tuition fees. Naturally I have to say that I don't have lot of fun if I have to pay the the fees at the beginning of each semester, but I think the amount of money which each student should pay to support the public universities and their facilities financially is absolutely justifiable. Above all each student who is not able to pay the 363 euros each semester can make demands on financial support e.g. in the way of scholarships. I also don't think that since the initiation of the fees in 2001 people were not able to study because of not being able to affort the money for it.
Furthermore most of the other european have tuition fees too - and most of them are much higher then the fees in Austria.
Isn't it a bit strange? - On the one hand a lot of people are complaining about the bad equipment the universities have and about the too little number of good internationally accepted qualified professors we have in Austria - and on the other hand we are not willing to contribute a very small part for our education system?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tuition fee

For me the social party made a big coupe, they try to teach the students an important lesson of life: Never trust politicians. In my opinion an experience which is worth the payment of the tuition fee for some years.
Feeling a little betrayed is ok; nevertheless it’s so typically for the Austrian politics. It really seems that it doesn’t matter what you are voting for, at the end everything remains as it was before. But I don’t want to start to politicise now because than I always but on risk to never stop and getting angry.
I personally have not really a problem by paying that fee but I know that we at campus02 are different from other students as we have a job and earn money on a regular base. For real full-time students this is often hard as they have to coordinate they work with their attendance at lectures and their exams. I guess that’s quite a challenge to find a company where this is easily possible; the only way is to make some small jobs. To that effect the salary is low as well.
Also I’m on the opinion that education has to be free of charge! Even when I personally think that the current fee is not too much in comparison what students have to pay in other countries and that everyone can afford them, they can’t be really fair as the social background has no impact on it. At least for those differences a concept must be created to make the tuition fees acceptable.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Tuition fee

I really agree with Hermann's opinion concerning the reactions of Austrian students on the reneged promises of the red part of our government. You can only hope that all disappointed electors will remember this at the next election, but which party you can elect then? - the range isn't really wide, at least for me.

In my opinion the worst thing (concerning tuition fee) our new government did, was to recommend doing welfare work for € 6,- per hour. I can't believe that anybody, who really needs the money, would do this work for this amount, if he/she can earn minimum twice this amount for giving private lessons in a "normal way". There can be no doubt that there are some students in Austria, who have to work, because they don't get their needed money from mummy or daddy and maybe also don't get a studentship, because they have for example changed their field of study or something else. As a result of their working activities or also because of the lack of places for practices in some studies they maybe will need more time for their course of studies and so they will have to pay the tuition fee longer - is this really fair?
Apart there from I can't imagine that children from "rich" parents will do social work, because they want to give something back to our society.

If you ask me it should be possible for everybody to study what he/she wants to and I belief that this isn't possible for some people because of tuition fee.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tuition fee

Since the winter semester 2001, a tuition fee is collected for studies at public universities in Austria. In the last days some members of the new government have started even a discussion about an increase of this fee. They mentioned that all taxes should be adjusted to the inflation. Angry demonstrations of students and spray attacks in the last few days couldn’t convince our new government to change their mind and to keep the promise given before the election to disestablish this tax hated by nearly all students. Reading comments on the internet raising this topic show me the determination with which students are fighting against the perpetuation of the tuition fees.
Even though I’m not a declared objector of these dues I can understand the student’s displeasure because they feel deceived and got tricked due to the promises they heard on the hustings. From my point of view it is absolutely OK if in such situations students use their right to strike and show their dissatisfaction that way. Perhaps the politicians will remember at the next election that there are still people who want to bring the statements to mind given before polls.