
Monday, January 22, 2007

Tuition fee

I really agree with Hermann's opinion concerning the reactions of Austrian students on the reneged promises of the red part of our government. You can only hope that all disappointed electors will remember this at the next election, but which party you can elect then? - the range isn't really wide, at least for me.

In my opinion the worst thing (concerning tuition fee) our new government did, was to recommend doing welfare work for € 6,- per hour. I can't believe that anybody, who really needs the money, would do this work for this amount, if he/she can earn minimum twice this amount for giving private lessons in a "normal way". There can be no doubt that there are some students in Austria, who have to work, because they don't get their needed money from mummy or daddy and maybe also don't get a studentship, because they have for example changed their field of study or something else. As a result of their working activities or also because of the lack of places for practices in some studies they maybe will need more time for their course of studies and so they will have to pay the tuition fee longer - is this really fair?
Apart there from I can't imagine that children from "rich" parents will do social work, because they want to give something back to our society.

If you ask me it should be possible for everybody to study what he/she wants to and I belief that this isn't possible for some people because of tuition fee.


At Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:50:00 am, Blogger Nadin-Campus02 said...

elect then? The range

can earn at least twice the money for ...

don't get a scholarship


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