Living my dreams
First of all I want to thank Karl for his brilliant topic once again and now I have the problem that I don't know what I shall say about his post.
Well, it's true I thought about an alternative (without any kind of technology) to my IT job more than one time, especially at the time when one of my PCs crashed - At that time I like to thank Billy for his 100 per cent reliable operating system :-). Anyway I haven't found anything I would prefer to or that would satisfy me more than my current activities. I always try to find work in a company, where a good working atmosphere exists and the tasks I have to do give me pleasure on the whole. That's the reason why I am satisfied with my current working life in general and so I am not really motivated to think about any other kind of work. I am just happy about how it is at the moment and should this situation change I will try to find something else, so that I get back my fulfilled life again.

Maybe it will be different in the future - Possibly I will live in a small bungalow somewhere near the sea with my partner and our dog, where we will enjoy the sunset every evening …
Sorry, I have forgotten that's real life, so then I will be retired and will surely not think about work any longer.
more than once
company with a good working atmosphere
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