
Thursday, March 29, 2007

The greatest understatement of the century!

"I must admit that I also use this special word SOMETIMES” – Bernhard, between you and me, you have been using this word more than all other words together! Since I’ve started studying at Campus02 I’ve never heard another word so often than your ‘bla’. Whatever you might have communicated to us, there has been always a ‘bla’ in your sentence. At the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a sentence - you haven’t cared about this since I have met you – and often we could hear a ‘bla’ without anything else. However, it’s Ok for me, because it’s your way to express your lack of understanding, your unsureness, your discomfort, your disability of finding arguments. In some cases you are even showing your childlike dissatisfaction by a very angry usage of your typical ‘bla’. I have to admit that the ‘bla’ has become a very impressive part of your personality, worth to protect it. The searching for an academic background of this short phrase honors you exquisitely and shows me the importance and necessity for your live.
At the beginning I thought that the using of ‘bla’ was one of your spleens such as other people like to play with their fingers to make them cracking. After a while I have realized that there is much more behind this inimitable ‘bla’. Since the beginning of our studies I have discovered many, many different expressions of your ‘bla’s which have been telling me whether you are angry, uninterested, astonished or you are feeling boring. The very often used ‘bla’ with a question mark shows me that I have to repeat my question or to explain my wishes in another way. It is extremely easy. On the one hand it’s really simple because you do not need large explanations for complex situations on the other hand we should ask if the exclusive practice of ‘bla’ wouldn’t lead to a very poor and destitute language.
Unfortunately, I have been recognizing trends and efforts which have been tending to dispute the uniqueness und authenticity of your beautiful ‘bla’. More and more people - I do not give names – are trying to use your ‘bla’ in a very inappropriate way. From my point of view these people are not aware of the consequences of such behavior. Frankly speaking, they rob you of the most important part of your identity. If I were you I wouldn’t accept this like you are doing it, with a bright smile following by a ‘jo dann’. Be aware that all attempts of stealing even the smallest fragment of your character is an attack on your whole person. Do not allow them to change your personality to a ‘0815’ one by disentitle you. Fight for this ‘bla’, fight for your ‘bla’, fight for your unique and matchless identity.


At Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:59:00 pm, Blogger Nadin-Campus02 said...

personality worth protecting. The search for ... honors you extraordinarily

are feeling bored.


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