
Friday, March 16, 2007

The Moloke Bar? Or business ideas the human race is currently not yet prepared for

First of all - Karl, what should I say - expectedly you gave us a topic on which everyone has to agonise. Slowly but surely your theories and ideas (starting with your elephant theory) are starting to change my world view.
But to go back to your current idea - well, why such a moloke bar shouldn't be a succesful business idea?
The offer of different milk based drinks in connection with the well dressed waitresses could be very interesting for a lot of people - also the artificial cow could be a good attraction. Only the point that you self want to serve drinks dressed in tight clothes should definitely be cancelled in your considerations! Furthermore you should serve at least few drinks also with alcohol (e.g. with rum - milk with rum would be very delicious in my opinion).

To get back to your other question concerning our ideas of doing something without any IT stuff - to be honest - I have no idea! To be more honest, maybe the current time could be a reason why I can't give a serious answer to that question.

Well let's start thinking... I want so start brainstorming to get to the ultimate idea - but there is only a weak breeze in my mind currently... bla... (sorry for that word :-) ).
Well, wouldn't it be possilble to start a extraordinary triumphant business by dealing with hammock's on the Caribbean Isles?
What about starting as a lei-binder at the Hawaiian Islands? (lei = typical flower garland)

Frankly speaking, this absolutely useless ideas maybe base on my current holiday imaginations. Maybe this is not the right time to create auspicious business startup ideas beside the whole IT area.


At Monday, March 19, 2007 7:51:00 pm, Blogger Nadin-Campus02 said...

that you yourself want to serve

at least some drinks

more honest, maybe the time of night could be a reason

start an extraordinarily triumphant

these useless ideas may be based on


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