
Friday, March 23, 2007

"Bla" - only a flowery phrase?

"Bla" is a word which is in everyone's vocabulary. Some use it very rarely and some use it more often. But what is the meaning of "Bla"? Well, a lot of people are using the phrase respectively the word "bla" if they want to say something to a subject but they can not say something with a serious content. I must admit that I also use this special word sometimes. The big question is where this incredibly meaningful word has its origin. To find an answer for this question a scientific investigation is necessary.

To be honest - I am not sure since when I am using this word and I also don't know why this word has become popular for me. I for myself connect memories with "The Simpsons" especially with Homer Simpson with "Bla". So there it happens quite often that his children are talking about a topic. This topic hasn't to be very scientific, but Homer often isn't able to follow the conversation with his mind. In this relation usually mind clouds are appearing and the only thing Homer is understanding is "Bla bla bla...". Frankly speaking the more I think about this the more I entertain some doubt if this "Bla bla bla" stuff really was to see in the mind of Homer Simpson in an Simpsons episode. Whencesoever my first contact with "Bla" comes, I want to see if maybe "Bla" can also have an other meaning than simply nothing. I can not eliminate the possibility that behind the word "Bla" for some people a serious background is hidden.

First I searched at Google for getting answers for serious questions about this. Although I don't have expected that I will get links for many theses or dissertations about "Bla", the result was a big disappointment. Nothing, I got absolutely no explanation concerning "Bla". So my second and also nearly last hope to get answers was Wikipedia. And there it was - the article referring to the search term "Bla". And now we know it. "Bla" isn't described as a common used phrase. If you enter "Bla" you will be directly linked to the result that Bla is a small town in the south of Mali with a population of about 15.000 people. Very interesting, isn't it?

But after I opened this article again and again I finally found a small hidden link to another article about Bla. In this Wikipedia description "Bla" is a metasyntactic variable which is used in German - and in English "blah" with an "h" at the end is often used as a placeholder term. (So it looks like that I made spelling mistakes all the time when I was using "Bla".) What the hell is a metasyntactic variable? Bla(h)...
Well, I think it is time to stop doing further scientific investigation about "Bla". Everyone should find his own meaning of "Bla".

Last but not least I want to point out that the blog content above is absolutely tongue-in-cheek. I hope you believe that and no one is angry with me because of having to reply to my topic. :-)


At Sunday, March 25, 2007 1:50:00 pm, Blogger Nadin-Campus02 said...

not sure since when I've been using this word

This topc doesn't have to be very

Homer understands is

Whencesoever = ??

have another meaning


as a commonly used phrase


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