
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tuition fee

Since the winter semester 2001, a tuition fee is collected for studies at public universities in Austria. In the last days some members of the new government have started even a discussion about an increase of this fee. They mentioned that all taxes should be adjusted to the inflation. Angry demonstrations of students and spray attacks in the last few days couldn’t convince our new government to change their mind and to keep the promise given before the election to disestablish this tax hated by nearly all students. Reading comments on the internet raising this topic show me the determination with which students are fighting against the perpetuation of the tuition fees.
Even though I’m not a declared objector of these dues I can understand the student’s displeasure because they feel deceived and got tricked due to the promises they heard on the hustings. From my point of view it is absolutely OK if in such situations students use their right to strike and show their dissatisfaction that way. Perhaps the politicians will remember at the next election that there are still people who want to bring the statements to mind given before polls.


At Friday, January 19, 2007 9:46:00 am, Blogger Nadin-Campus02 said...

Reading comments ... shows me ...


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