The elephant theory

I personally believe that elephants have the similar size as a cat or maybe a small dog. Do you know the saurian with the ruff to seem bigger or the fishes that can pump up their body to frighten their opportunities (the Porcupinefish)? I think elephants using the same principle. Every time they see somebody, they take a deep breath and - pop - they become giant.
Therefore they are also very dangerous when you driving at night. They jump on the street and you don't see them because they are small, but when they get scared by the spotlights of your car, they pop-up and suddenly an elephant stands on the road right before you.
Even worse is that normally nobody believes you when you tell that story.
Believe it or not, I for myself have small whistles assembled on my car. The airstream blows them and the noise is displeasing for the overdimensioned and sensitive ears of elephants (you have to know that they don’t shrink or expand so they are really big in comparison to their real body). That should keep them out of my way. Up to now it's working fine, never saw an elephant on the street yet.
Hopefully I'll never meet a deaf one...
similar size to a cat ...
frighten their opponents/competitors
I think elepahts are using the same
when you are driving at night.
(am not surprised by your text - given the time you wrote it :-)
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